Urinary Ιncontinence (UI)
It is the inability to control the blader and subsequent unwanted urine loss. It is a very common problem. The severity of incontinence, ranges from occasionally leaking urine when someone coughs or sneezes (Stress incontinence) to experiencing a strong urge to urinate that leads to not being able to reach WC before it’s too late (Urge incontinence). There is also a mixed type of incontinence which shares symptoms with both above types.
It is more common as people get older, but incontinence is not a direct consequence of aging. In general, incontinence is not considered to be a disease, but a symptom and can be managed with the help of your HCP.
In women, moderate and severe bother have a prevalence ranging from about 3% to 17%. Severe incontinence has a low prevalence in young women, but rapidly increases at ages 70 through 80. In men, the prevalence of incontinence is much lower than in women, about 3% to 11% overall, with urge incontinence accounting for 40% to 80% of all male patients. Stress incontinence accounts for less than 10% of cases and is attributable to prostate surgery, trauma, or neurological injury. Incontinence in men also increases with age, but severe incontinence in 70- to 80-year-old men is about half of that in women.
bibliography: Rev Urol. 2001; 3(Suppl 1): S2–S6. PMCID: PMC1476070 PMID: 16985992
Flower Pollen Extract Graminex

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** All data above are published as clinical trials and do not refer to EFSA claims. This means that they do not intend to be medical or therapeutical advice.